Finally...made it to my Bigma's "Hudsons"!

Hey Ladies, 

So, guess what I finally decided to do. It's something that my late grandmother whom we called, Bigma loved to do. She called the many spots her Hudson's...what's now known as Macy's. LOL 

My Bigma would be so proud of me! Not that I have anything against them, I just had never ventured to any of them in my adult life. The last time I stepped foot into one was with my grandmother, I wish she were here so that I could have taken her with me....she would have loved that!

I finally went THRIFTING

I received the extra push by seeing all of your great thrifted finds. I would OOH and AH at all of the marvelous things you all had thrifted and I vowed I would give it try myself. I'm proud to say I had a great time and can't wait to go back!! I think you all have created a monster! Ha!

Here's a sneak peak: 


I spent $40 bucks and walked out with 3 blazers, 3 clutches, 2 ties (for the Blogger Do it Better Challenge) and an animal print scarf. I'm supposed to be on spending freeze but I just couldn't pass those items up!


I had to include my Bigma in this post! :)
I can't wait to show you all the other things I scored!

Thanks for reading! ~Inez


  1. a) shes beautiful and b) The clutches are fab!!

  2. Nice find! Clutches are very cute. I too haven't ventured off to the thrifting world yet but am inclined to try it and see what it's all about :-)


  3. Guuuuurrrllll you came up! Absolutely love all of those clutches! Can't wait to see what else you scored!

  4. I am so glad that you went thrifting. You are so lucky over there with so wonderful thrift store.
    Much love.

  5. omg you found great things I love every piece girl I go atleast once a week I've made it my routine to go every week and that's 2hours for myself and it's like therapy there's nothing like going thrift shopping and find a piece that you know no one else will have .. I cant wait to see you incorporate everything to your outfits !!!

  6. What a tribute to your grandmother. Wear those clutches with confidence; they are great. Cannot wait to see you on BDIB.

  7. ahhhhh (screaming at your cute clutch finds) most of mine come from thrifting. Glad you ventured into the second hand world! can't wait to see you wear them!

  8. I am proud of you- I love thrifting and the there's less guilt about buying a great piece for $5 instead of $50 at the mall.

    And I am sure your grans is proud of you too!

  9. O M G, LOVE your finds girl. Grandma is beautiful!

  10. Wow, you found some great deals…you caught the thrifting bug. Bigma would be proud!

  11. Nice haul! That leopard clutch is too cute

  12. BigMa's are d'Best!
    She is proud of you!

    R.I.P to all the BM!

  13. YES! she would be proud. You know it... and YOU GOT IT!


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