Love is.....

Today, I'm wearing purple to spread the word that abuse is not love! October is domestic voilence awareness month. Today I wear purple in support of those affected. I've seen victims stay because they thought the abuse was love, I've heard the stories and seen the scars. I've seen the affects that verbal, physical and emotional abuse can have. Domestic violence is serious and it is not OK. If you are being abused I urge you to get out. You are worth so much more and don't deserve what's happening to you! It's not your fault.

Blazer/Earrings: Thrifted    Scarf: Vintage LilyKai   Pants/Blouse: JCP   Bag: NY&Company  Shoes: TJ Maxx

Today, I smile for the victims who walked away from their abusers. I smile believing that someone that may be affected will find the strength to ask for help. One of my favorite bible verses is 1 Corinthians chapter 13, this chapter describes to us what true love is, I urge you to love and find love that mirrors the love God has for us. 

The scripture tells us:
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
1 in 3 families are affected by domestic violence. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behaviors — physical, sexual, psychological, and economic coercion — used by one intimate partner against another (adult or adolescent) to gain, maintain, or regain power and control in the relationship. Batterers use of a range of tactics to frighten, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, often injure, and sometimes kill a current or former intimate partner.
If you are in danger, please call 911, your local hotline, or (in the U.S.) the National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233 or TTY (800) 787-3224.

I pray that your life will be saved, I pray that you will be able to stand tall and know that you are deserving of real love.
{If you have a dedicated post today, please add your link below}

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  1. I'm loving everything about your post today...the blazer, the scarf, and especially the message.

    Thank you for posting this.

  2. This is a great post and I even though I have never personally been in this situation I know someone very close to me that is and it breaks my heart every time something happens. We pray that she leaves and offer to help, she has left before but went back. This time she said she isn't leaving he is. But so far he hasn't and I really fear for her life. We keep praying for her and letting her know that she and her kids have us family and we're here for them for whatever. Yet all we can do now is pray to God he does leave and she and her boys have their freedom (alive and well) from him. But like you said anyone in this situation has to know that is NOT love and that scripture says it perfectly.

    I remember the episode from A Different World where Gina was dating the rapper guy that was abusing her and Mr. Gains was talking to her about his niece I think and he was telling Gina his niece would say she didn't believe he loved her if he didn't hit her. He then said one day he loved her to DEATH and they buried her. I just pray anyone reading this post does understand they are worth so much more than the abuse they may be suffering and do whatever they have to to GET OUT safely. Trust in God, leave everything behind and start over if you have to. If not for yourself if you have kids for them!!

    Love the purple blazer and scarf by the way!

    Carsedra of:

  3. Great post Inez. Love the scarf and blazer! Inspiring message... the scripture says it all!

  4. You look beautiful Inez! I'm wearing purple today to spread awareness...thanks for sharing this with us!

  5. That is one of my favorite scriptures from the bible!!

  6. I am with you all the way.

  7. Love that blazer and scarf combo. That purple is just too gorgeous!

  8. I never knew that!! Thanx for the post!!! I'm totally loving the way you are styled!! I scored an awesome purple thrifted blazer too I can't wait to wear it!!!

  9. Very nice! I love the scarf and blazer combo

    Check out my blog, comment, and follow if you like!
    Confessions Of A City Girl

  10. The scarf, purple, the hair, and the message... all 100%.

  11. Luvin the "Love is..." post! Glad you did the Domestic Violence awareness, so many ladies need to read this.

    You look pretty girl! I luv the scarf with the blazer and accessories -- luv how you tied the scarf, it almost looks like a blouse! Beautiful!

  12. First of all, I love this post because of the message. I knew that October was Breast Cancer Month but I had no idea that it was also Domestic Violence Awareness month.

    Your outfit is so cute. The addition of that colorful scarf? *two thumbs up*

  13. Wow... I was almost in tears reading your post! I am sooo happy I had the opportunity to participant and support a great cause because my friend has been in two domestic violence relationships & I'm thankful that she was able to get out before things turned for the worst!!!!

    OAN: The scarf is adorable & you look stunning!!!!!


  14. I like how you paired the jacket with the colorful coloful scarf. I purchased something similar at a local thrift store last week and now i cant wait to wear it.

  15. This post is amazing and touching! Thank you for wearing purple to help put an end to domestic violence! I pray that we all receive that 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love!

  16. Great post and great message. Well done for supporting such a great cause. God bless you,

  17. What an important message! Thank you for sharing, Inez.

    p.s. I love that purple blazer, girl!

  18. As the daughter of an abuser and daughter of the survivor I just want to call you up and hug you through the phone for this post. The effects...for me are still being healed by GOD. You look beautiful in honor of such a sincere occasion. Can you tie a scarf for me and put it in the mail?

  19. I love the purple blazer and the scarf. They go great together. Cute outfit!

  20. Great message Inez. I never use to understand why women (or men for that matter) would stay in abusive relationships until it happened to a close friend of mine. I now know how much strength and courage it takes to walk away. There needs to be more information about this serious issue- great way of spreading it!

    Olivia :) x
    Wait Until The Sunset

  21. Your post is very inspirational today. I feel you on every note and I support the fight against abuse as well.

    Your outfit is still hot by the way...Blazer is hott!!!

  22. That scripture is a personal favorite of mine. You look great as well! Love how the scarf is the statement piece.

  23. This is the best Chic post!

    I was a victim of abuse and I got the hell out of dodge! It started off as little things like yelling, then pushing and then one day he stomped me. I thought LOVE who? So I POLITELY beat the ISH out of him and the police said Ma'am we advise you to get the HELL out of this city fast! So I moved. Today I have a testimony and I am FREE.
    Funny how when I *RETURNED* the FAVOR, he became the victim! ha...Don't mess with Military people. (hence they deem us to be crazy!)
    Love that scarf!! I had the Please of meeting Mrs. L.K. She is a real SweetiePie...

  24. Loving this message and you outfit. That scarf adds such a POP to this and purple looks great on you!

  25. Love this purple blazer, it is fab! The print in the scarf is the perfect touch. Quite Chic!

  26. Thanks for spreading awareness! Personally, I know several women who were caught up in abusive relationships. Thank God they got out before it ended in a tragic way. I'm rocking pink and purple items during the month of October...mostly on the job, but it matters too!

    BTW, I love your blazer!!! I'm such a blazer whore

  27. Love the message and the scarf. Super classy look.



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