Without Warning

When life happens, it unfortunately doesn't serve you with much notice, this would definitely be an understatement for my life in the past two months. I've been going through so much and I'm still recovering...but I know that God works in mysterious ways and even though I can't understand things now, I know He is working everything out.

As I continue to adjust, I ask that you all be patient with me as I'm not sure when or if I'll return to blogging. 

I want to say thank you to everyone that has checked up on me and also prayed, I really appreciate it. Please continue to pray for me as I get through this time. With a little faith and God's grace I'm sure to be back to myself soon. 

Love you all! 

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  1. I wish you will and pray that everything is okay, I miss you and hope you will be back sooner than later.

  2. You have been on my mind something heavy the last couple of months. You will certainly remain in my prayers! <3

  3. I will definitely be praying for you. I have been checking twitter and your blog to see if you would post. I know that God will work everything out in due time. We miss you and we hope you will be back soon!

  4. We miss you and everything will most definitely work out!!!

  5. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers Inez. You will get through this. The blogosphere isn't the same without your sweet spirit.

  6. Glad to know you are ok. Will keep you lifted in prayer and hope that things work out for you love. (((HUG)))

  7. Just thought about you yesterday! I am praying for you. Know that God has everything under control. No need to worry, stress or figure things out on your own...pray and watch God work! I'm definitely a testimony of how God will allow you to hit rock bottom just to get you to acknowledge his power and grace over your life. In due time, you'll be a better, stronger you! Love you and I'm interceding on your behalf! Keeo the Faith!


  8. Blogging is YOUR THERAPY.... slow down if you must, BUT, don't give up on a GIFT that was GIVEN to you!.... People love your blog, your creativity, and the beauty YOU SHARE.

    Get better......... and we'll see you soon!

  9. Inez, you are always in my prayers. Hold your head high and your faith close mi amor. xoxo!

  10. Inez, I wish you the best. I understand what your saying because I have been in somewhat of a downward spiral myself. I am learning to NOT question why some of the things has happened to me and just put it in gods hands. You will be in my prayers.

  11. Miss you girlie! Everyday I check to see if you posted any thing. I pray for clarity, wisdom, comfort and faith at this time. God is with you, no matter the circumstances, He still sees you.


  12. Praying for you Inez. I have faith that everything will be ok. You already know where to look for your help so that's a great start ;-)
    Peace & Blessings

  13. you are in my thoughts and prayers!

  14. please take all the time you need...We will be here waiting. God Bless KT and Family.

  15. Inez!! I pray that everything works out well for you! Hang in there and keep the faith!

  16. I am praying for you and wishing you nothing but the best...Keep and let God always remain first.

  17. Praying for you, Inez. Me & 7thletter were just talking about you like 2 weeks ago & wondering where you were. I think you have alot of cyber friends who really care about you. Take care & I have faith that everything will be just fine.


  18. You have a strong following and kinship here, please reach out to any of us for whatever need.

  19. Well I pray without fail, that you recover, find the necessary peace and that all gets better! Miss the posts and I do also pray that you return to blogging, and your return post to be that of a powerful testimony. Be encouraged!


  20. You are and will be in my prayers! My mind ran on you countless times and didn't know what to think! Although you're going through some tribulations now at least i have some peace of mind knowing that physically you are okay! keep your head up, never loose faith and put your life in his hands! You'll be alright baby girl! Stay smiling! miss yah fashion! xoxo TY

  21. I pray that everything will work out the way you need them to. Stay strong and stay in faith. God will not fail you sis! xoxoxo

  22. keeping you in my prayers dear, and God is in control so He will bring you through. Lots of love and sunshine.

  23. Your peace and recovery is all we want- see you on the other side of this circumstance.

  24. I miss you so much! I known i was a bug a boo calling and demanding to know that you were ok but when you meet someone who touches your heart in a special way and you've never met them in person, you can't accept a text or blogpost that everything's ok. You know that I won't stop praying! Air kisses as only I can do :)

  25. Get well soon. May your strength continue to grow.


  26. I am praying for you!

  27. Miss you so much Inez. I am praying for you and waiting for that email! Love you girl. Kiah

  28. Get well soon Inez. You are thought of and in our prayers...

  29. Praying for you and hope everything gets better. when a door closes another one is getting ready to open up. Miss you and love ya!!! Come back in!!

  30. I was just wondering why I haven't seen you Twitter and decided to check your blog. You're in my thoughts and prayers!!

  31. Yes ma'am... You have been in my thoughts! I have even tweeted you a couple of times and knew that it was unlike you but I will be praying for you! Just know you are well miss and whatever obstacle that you are facing GOD will bring you through it! Love ya girlie!


  32. Just remember that God is strong to deliver. He said that he will scatter the bones of our enemies (Psalms 53:5) and he promises us his perfect peace (Philippians 4:7). Keep your head up hun and watch God perform a miracle in your life. Sometimes we hit rock bottom just so God can show us that He is the ROCK! Love you and will continue to keep you in my prayers.


  33. Will keep you lifted in my prayers, as well! I've def. missed your lovely spirit in the blog world! Everything will come to pass and you will get through it hon'!


  34. Hey Inez, you've been on my heart...glad to see this post from you. Indeed, life gives you no advance notice of havoc...it just sweeps in and tries to know you off your feet from time to time. Hang in there, and keep praying...God always has a plan!

  35. Ya know, I was wondering why I hadn't seen anything from you lately. You're style and sweet spirit has definitely been missed in the blog world. I pray that your storm passes quickly. Take care and God bless you.

  36. Keeping you in my prayers. Wishing and hoping things get better soon.


  37. Praying for you. Whatever it is, it shall pass. Keep your head up xoxo

  38. Hope everything works out and you're able to get back to blogging.

  39. I wish you all the best Inez.
    Much love

  40. Miss seeing you around the blogosphere, Inez. I am praying all is well with you.



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