Chic Friend Friday: Dhalia

Dhalia, of Mz. Fashion Closet has always been one of my favorite bloggers. She's a make up artist with an amazing sense of style. Dhalia shares her love of fashion and make up on her blog Mz. Fashion Closet, I'm always delighted to see what Dhalia will share next. Whether it's her make up tips or outfit posts I'm sure you'll gain so much inspiration from her style! Not to mention she's GORGE!

What prompted you to start your blog? 
 After so many coworkers, friends and family asking me about my daily wears and where did I get this or  that, I just decided in 2009 to start a blog to share all those things.  Its more so like my online  journal for the world to see.   Now  you can even find some of my makeup tips, looks and client photos on there as well.  Yes, totally like a journal. lol 

What are your fashion must haves?  
The Classics, The Staples!  The stuff you can wear time and time again.  I used to be one to buy a pair of  shoes in multiple colors and jump on the trend wagon to find myself not using the items a few months or even weeks later.   Nowadays my must have go to items would be a Tee, skinny/boyfriend jeans and a pair or black pumps or flats. 

How would you describe your style? 
Boyish, relaxed, casual with a hint of girly

What's the one thing you enjoy most about being a blogger? 
I would say the since of feeling needed.  I love waking up to see an email or comment inquiring about tips, suggestions or advice AND I happily take the time to answer them. 

Isnt' she beautiful? Be sure to keep up with Dhalia: 

As you all know I started Chic Friend Fridays in May 2011! I have really enjoyed this series and I hope you have too! Ending Chic Friend Fridays, is bittersweet for me, I hope that over the last year and a half you all have been introduced to some amazing bloggers through this feature. It has certainly been tons of fun learning more about my favorite bloggers and sharing them with you all!  Huge thanks to everyone that has been involved!

Be sure to check out all the features here

Stay tuned for the new features on SC360, coming soon! 

Thanks for reading!


  1. I love Dhalia's blog! She's so naturally beautiful and her style is very relatable/practicle! Great post, Inez :-)


  2. Thnak you so much Inez for the feature. :-)

    Thanks miss Whitney ;-)


  3. Oooo I love Dhalias style! She is a sweet person as well :)

    With love,

  4. I love Dhalia! She is so fly and so sweet!


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