Thrifting in Chicago

That awkward moment when you find a blazer you own at the thrift store.

I was on the hunt for prints!
I wanted these vintage Glacee' flats so bad! Too bad these weren't my size, they were adorable!

Cute Little Striped Peplum Dress in Very Best Vintage
Browsing the blazer section in Salvation Army

My trip to Chicago wouldn't have been complete if Liz and I didn't hit up the thrift stores. Here's a look at the fun I had while thrifting in Chicago. Originally, I'd planned to film while at the stores, however Liz and I realized we left our batteries at the hotel! So sorry for the iPhone 5 pictures.  Can you believe once we got back to the hotel my battery was with me all along? I guess I was just moving too fast, ah well, next time!

Ok, so have you guys ever seen something you owned at the thrift store, I have to say that funny seeing my "Slap Stix" blazer in the thrift store.

Thrift Stores We Shopped while in Chicago:  

Chicago definitely has some great thrift stores. I lucked up on a few things and I will definitely be back next time I'm in Chicago.  I also have to say that the Salvation Army had some great options for the plus size diva! 

If you're in the Chicago area or will be visiting Chicago, Sing of Singature Style created a great list with suggestions on shopping, dining, restaurants and events in the Chicago area.You can find the list here!

Thanks to Liz for snapping these shots for me.
I'll be sharing more of #Liz360Chicago all next week so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Those pink shoes are too cute! I wish they were your size too, lol!


  2. Inez!!!!!!!! You were here in my city?!?! Awwwwww. I missed you.

  3. I have never run into the exact same thing that I have in the thrift store!

  4. I've seen something I purchased before at the thrift store. I'm heading to Chicago Monday to repeat seeing Solange. Maybe I'll be able to add some thrifting apart of my trip this time around lol

  5. LOL, I have done similar, thought I left the coupon at home,etc.
    Too funny that you ran across a blazer previously thrifted. It looks like you had a great time.


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